The “3rd Edition of Euro-Global Conference on Pediatrics and Neonatology (EPN 2021)” organized by Magnus Group was successfully executed by September 17, 2021 on a virtual platform.
The theme of the congress was “Reconnoitre the Possibilities in Pediatrics and Neonatology”
This year, the global summit, included well-known professionals in the field of paediatrics and neonatology, has come together to provide new ideas, techniques, and methods that genuinely influence how paediatrics and neonatologists operate together. This astounding gathering congregated major businesses, renowned academic institutions, hospitals, and research facilities in the fields of paediatrics, neonatologists and paediatric health takes place worldwide.
The symposium was centred on the newest and cutting-edge translational research as well as new technologies and techniques, all of which are essential to what will eventually become accepted clinical practise.
Title : Proximal transverse elliptical duodenoduodenostomy for the treatment of duodenal atresia : A novel technique
Gamal Al Saied, Al Azhar University, Egypt
Title : Effects of zinc supplementation in children with chronic kidney disease
Marlene Fabiola Escobedo Monge, Valladolid University, Spain
Title : Signalization of predictive factors to increase pain management practices in neonates
Dulce Cruz, University of Evora, Portugal
Title : Breastfeeding, nutrient intakes from complementary foods and body fat of 12-36 months old children
Namrata Nitin Bagle, UvRoh, India
Title : Gauchers Disease
Sarala Kannan, Private practitioner, India
Title : Surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis practices in children A neglected field of irrational antibiotic use from a tertiary care hospital perspective
Selim Oncel, Kocaeli University, Turkey