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Saroja Weerakoon, Speaker at Pediatrics Conferences
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka


Mental Health is the most important factor in a human living being, and it is balancing our overall health state. Child mental health is the ability to learn healthy social skills and can be well-functioning in school, at home, and in their communities. Mentally healthy children are controlling their own emotions and can cope with their problems. Behavioral problems in children are becoming common and around 6 million children globally are affected. According to the Ayurvedic concepts, identified main etiologies of behavioral problems in children can be categorized as Garbha purva nidana (preconception causes), Garba kaeena nidana (prenatal causes), Prasava kaleena nidana (perinatal causes) and Prsavoththara nidana (postnatal causes). Ayurveda can prove beneficial in the prevention and management of child mental disorders. Some interventions have been advised such as Sadvritta (Code of conduct) Acharya Rasayana (ethical principles) Satvavajaya Chikitsa (mind control therapy) Yoga and meditation and other Shodhana treatments (Panchakarma measures) and Medhya, the drug which can be applied in the prevention of psychological disorders including behavioral problems associated with children. Ayurveda plays a fundamental role in not only its prevention but also in management, with improvement in quality of life. The procedures altered for parenting help in the prevention and cure of behavioral ailments at the initial stage which require a change in lifestyle of parents and children with the inculcation of morals and good behaviors.


Dr. W.A.S. Saroja Weerakoon, Grade I Senior Lecturer in Ayurveda Pediatrics, Faculty of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka and Ayurvedic Consultant Pediatrician in National Ayurveda Hospital, Colombo, Sri Lanka. She has completed her Master's Degree in Ayurveda Pediatrics, the University
of Colombo and her PhD Degree in the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka Her research interests include bioactivities of indigenous medicines and pediatric-related disorders such as Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorders and Muscular dystrophies. Current research and consulting areas are research on Pediatric behavioral disorders and muscular dystrophies.
