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Saroja Weerakoon, Speaker at Pediatrics Conferences
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka


Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine, that elaborates on many issues related to health, disease, treatment of diseases, and prevention of diseases. In this regard, Ayurveda explained several principles and conducts for healthy progeny and the birth of a healthy child. Despite advances in diagnostic techniques and therapeutic interventions, medical systems failed to control the incidence of birth defects. Ayurveda has paid due attention to this and has devised various measures to reduce the risk of birth defects. This step begins before conception. According to Ayurvedic concepts, proper parental preparation is an essential prerequisite for healthy offspring. Preconception care is one of the most important interventions identifying biomedical, behavioural, and social risks to maternal and child health. It includes both prevention and management of health issues that need to be addressed for maximum impact before conception and early pregnancy. According to the Ayurveda concepts, it has clearly described various genetic disorders due to defects in Shukra and Sronitha (sperm, ovum). Beeja (chromosome), Beejabhaga (genes), and Beejabhagavayava (DNA) were described while explaining the morbidity of sperm and ovum. The Ayurveda fundamentals it has explained Shad-Garbhakara Bhavas (six pro-creative factors) such as Matrija (maternal), Pitrija (paternal) Atmaja (soul), Rasaja (nutritional), Satmyaja (wholesomeness), and Sattvaja (psyche/mind) for the birth of healthy progeny. Physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, proper nutrition and healthy practice of the mother during pregnancy play a major role in having healthy children. Inattention to any of these factors is a cause of unhealthy and defective childbirth.


Dr. W.A.S. Saroja Weerakoon, Grade I Senior Lecturer in Ayurveda Pediatrics, Faculty of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka and Ayurvedic Consultant Pediatrician in National Ayurveda Hospital, Colombo, Sri Lanka. She has completed her Master's Degree in Ayurveda Pediatrics, the University
of Colombo and her PhD Degree in the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka Her research interests include bioactivities of indigenous medicines and pediatric-related disorders such as Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorders and Muscular dystrophies. Current research and consulting areas are research on Pediatric behavioral disorders and muscular dystrophies.
