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Amrita Desai, Speaker at Pediatrics Conferences
Amrita Desai
9M Ankura Hospital, India


Amrita Desai has been working as a Board-Certified Lactation Consultant for more than 15 years. She has been trained in Human Milk Banking at PREM Bank, King Edward Memorial Hospital, Perth WA, by Dr Ben Hartmann and was instrumental in setting up Asia’s first Human Milk Bank for preterms at Sahyadri Hospital, Shastrinagar, Pune, India. A firm practitioner of Golden Hour Breastfeeding (breastfeeding immediately after birth), Early skin to skin contact, exclusive breastfeeding, Amrita has been responsible for rates of more than 95% exclusive breastfeeding in her practice at 9M Ankura Hospital, Pune, India. Her specializations include working with relactation and induced lactation, breastfeeding multiples, breastfeeding in special situations (Cleft Lip and Palate, surgical cases, prematurity, surrogacy etc.)
